Memory for Forgetfulness August, Beirut, 1982.

Memory for Forgetfulness August, Beirut, 1982.

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  • Data de criação 17 de abril de 2020
  • Última atualização 17 de abril de 2020

Memory for Forgetfulness August, Beirut, 1982.

Memory for Forgetfulness is an extended reflection on the invasion and its political and historical dimensions. It is also a journey into personal and collective memory. What is the meaning of exile? What is the role of the writer in time of war? What is the relationship of writing (memory) to history (forgetfulness)? In raising these questions, Darwish implicitly connects writing, homeland, meaning, and resistance in an ironic, condensed work that combines wit with rage.

Ibrahim Muhawi's translation beautifully renders Darwish's testament to the heroism of a people under siege, and to Palestinian creativity and continuity.
