Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness

Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness

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  • Data de criação 16 de abril de 2020
  • Última atualização 16 de abril de 2020

Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness

Rashid Khalidi's massive study of the construction of Palestinian national identity is a pathbreaking work of major importance. It is the first book to work from the premise that such an identity does in fact exist and then proceeds to uncover its overlapping layers, historical phases, and tragic setbacks with a complete mastery of the relevant literature in Arabic, Hebrew, and Western sources. This is an essential book for anyone trying to understand the Byzantine complexities and background of the flawed Middle East peace process.... Extremely readable and gripping, Palestinian Identity is a remarkable achievement of the historian's art.

(Edward Said, author of Orientalism)
